GO PANSAM has led the participating farms to a greater awareness and capacity of the need for

teamwork to solve their respective needs for innovation and growth.

The project has also helped to enhance the social and environmental dimension as well as that of

the  quality  of  agri-food  production,  taking  care  of  creating  an  ideal  bridge  between  producers,

traders, consumers also through innovative multimedia and artistic techniques.

The companies have experimented and implemented solutions not only for the research of new

products, but also for the resolution of critical issues related to the reduction of the economic and

environmental costs of production, interactivity and teaching tools have been adopted to allow a

strengthening of the pact of trust between consumers and producers, placing the ability to narrate

the complexity of contemporary agriculture at the center of everything, also in relation to its social

value, involving teachers and the world of schools in the process.

The spirit of the GO PANSAM is to promote innovation in agriculture in a broad sense: from the

preliminary stages of planning the strategic plan, through the comparison with the PEI partnership

(Lyon,  2018)  to  the  experiences  and  study-visits  in  Barcelona  and  Turin.  In  this  sense,  the

PANSAM partnership was able to implement the actions on some important focuses, such as:

  strengthening  of  the  short  supply  chain  through  the  mutual  support  of  companies  and

collaboration in sharing analyses, best practices and innovations achieved

  strengthening  of  market  penetration  capacity  through  the  acquisition  of  new  skills  in

marketing and business management

  ability  to  propose  a  narrative  (and  in  doing  so  by  adopting  innovative  and  captivating

methods) that holds together the value of the product itself, the story of the company, a sort

of pedagogy of conscious consumption and the value that is generated by environmental

and territorial protection provided to the community by farmers

  look for new food products to put on the market

  markets and market spaces as public space and place of connection between the city and

the territory, or between consumers, traders and farms

The transfer potential of a project of this kind is inherent in the very nature of Tuscan agriculture

and agri-food which, in recent years also thanks to the support of the PSR, has shown a marked

aptitude for innovation, has shown growing ability to work in synergy and in partnerships of various

kinds. The diversity of Tuscan environments and productions, all of which are of high quality on

average,  can  meet  with  good  prospects  the  growing  demand  for  quality  products,  with  a  short

supply chain and capable of evoking a strong territorial affiliation and values.

PSR Toscana
Unione Europea Repubblica Italiana Regione Toscana

Iniziativa finanziata dalla sottomisura 1.2 nell’ambito del bando PS-GO 2017 del Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2014 – 2020 della Regione Toscana (fondi FEASR)